There are many ways you can support CCME. Become a member, participate in our annual symposium as a presenter, exhibitor and/or a sponsor, attend a free webinar sponsored by CCME, volunteer to help with symposium planning and events, or donate to the CCME Endowment Fund to support higher education for our military community.
Be a CCME Volunteer and join our community and make a difference in the CCME experience. Being a CCME Volunteer is not just volunteering your time, it is your commitment and partnership to embrace networking, enhance professional development, and expand professional prosperity to make a greater influence within our military education community. Complete the agreement at the bottom of the page to become a part of the solution in military education.
Volunteer Activities:
Agenda Conference Planning
Concurrent Sessions
Entertainment & Conference Activities
Newcomers / Attendees Orientation
Outreach / Public Affairs
Other areas of expertise, please list in the contact form. (i.e. Military Spouses, Veterans, ACMEs)

By filling out the contact form below, and if I am approved by the CCME Board, I am acknowledging that I understand and agree with the following CCME Volunteer Rules:
CCME Volunteers are volunteering at their own free will and time.
CCME Volunteers understand they are volunteering for a non-profit organization with CCME.
I am authorizing my name and organization affiliate's name to be posted on CCME website for acknowledgment of being a Volunteer of CCME listed under the Affiliates' Page.
I understand that the CCME volunteer is a "Non-Paid" position Service can be changed or terminated at the sole discretion of an official CCME Board member at any time. In addition, the CCME Volunteers can also choose to withdraw from volunteer service at their discretion at any time as well.
CCME Volunteers are under the direction and guidance of a CCME Committee Chair, Board Member and/or President.
Executive CCME Board Members and CCME Chairs approve all Volunteer positions. CCME Volunteer positions are active under the current President's tenure you are approved. Each President and CCME Board approves Volunteers on an annual basis under their tenure.
I have never been convicted of a crime (felony or misdemeanor) other than a traffic violation.
It is recommended that CCME Volunteers become a member of CCME organization.
While serving as a CCME Volunteer, I adhere and will uphold all the rules listed above and be a lawful abiding citizen.